Ah Paris—the most romantic city of the world, with its inviting outdoor cafes, its wide boulevards, its blase, yet very traditional approach to life, its monumental buildings, (from French Baroque to Neo Classicism) to its esthetic1800 avant-guard look—it is paradise for any artist. There is so much subject-matter in Paris, so much art, so much inspiration, no wonder it has always been the centre of the Art World.
I love driving down the Champs a L’Elysee, I love the drive around the Arc de Triomphe, the cobbled roads gives you the sensation that you are part of another era, another century. It is not only the historical sites, but the beat of this city is unique, it is exciting and fascinating and as we do shows in Paris and have family there, I now have an opportunity to experience and paint Paris like many artists dream of.
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