I am in between styles here, always searching, always challenging myself to move forward with my work and creativity. I want to express more than just a visual expression, I want people to think about what I am trying to portray. I find that Neo Cubism is a style where I can make a statement through my workâthe unrest in the world, the bureaucracy of our governments, the control of our world through global corporations. We all must make a statement, whether it is through your art, verbally, or in written form.
At the moment, as in most of my work, I create in vivid colour..
The dominance of colour in this style makes a statement; colour influences us all and I find it is powerful in stimulating a reaction to my subject.
The figures used are semi abstracted, always distorted in form. The viewer becomes intrigued and inquisitive which draws him closer to the subject, allowing one to think about the painting rather than just enjoying the visual form and colour. Graffiti is a manner of expressing oneself verbally in an art form, introducing a very simplistic, childlike approach, to a subject that you want to attract attention and impact to the viewer. Leave us a comment on Flickr